Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The planning process
The document management planning process consists of the following major steps:
Identify document management roles Ensure that your plans incorporate the feedback of your organization's key stakeholders, that you have the right team in place to implement the solution, and that you know who will participate in document management processes
Analyze document usage After you identify who works on documents, determine the types of documents they work on and how they will be used. For more information.
Plan the organization of documents You can organize documents in libraries, team sites, and portal sites. Office SharePoint Server 2007 offers a range of document organizing and storing features, from specialized sites such as the Records Repository to free-form document libraries for ad-hoc document creation and collaboration. Within a library, you can further organize content into folders and subfolders. For more information.
Plan how content moves between locations It may be necessary to move or copy a document from one site or library to another at different stages of its life cycle. For example, the publishing process may include moving a document from a staging site to a public Internet site. If content needs to be converted from one format to another as it moves from site to site, you will also want to plan content conversions. For more information.
Plan content types Use content types to organize information about types of documents, such as metadata, document templates, policies, and workflow processes. This is an essential step to help you organize your documents and enforce consistency across your organization. For more information.
Plan content control You can plan the appropriate degree of control for each content type and storage location. For example, for a document library you can plan to require check-in and check-out and to protect documents from unauthorized distribution by using Information Rights Management. For more information.
Plan workflows By planning workflows for your organization, you can control and track how documents move from one team member to another as each participant collaborates in a document's life cycle. Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes workflows for common team tasks such as reviewing and approving documents. Office SharePoint Server 2007 also supports creating and installing custom workflows. For more information.
Plan policies For each content type, plan information management policies to ensure that documents are properly audited, retained, labeled, and otherwise handled according to your organization's institutional and legal requirements. Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes policies that implement auditing, document retention, labeling, and barcodes (to ensure that printed content can be correlated with corresponding versions in document libraries).

DMS Optimization
Document Management system optimizes the use of documents within an organization
independent of any publishing medium (for example, the Web). It provides a document
repository coupled with robust metadata to describe the content it contains. The system
tracks the editorial history of each document and its relationships with other documents.
A variety of search and navigation methods are available to make document retrieval
easy. A DMS will be suitable for the pharmaceutical documentation which has highly
structured and regulated content.

The Document management system will be a web based application developed using
ASP.NET and C# running in IIS web server. The DMS mainly constitutes of the
Document Management, Work Flow, Subscription, Security and User Management. The
proposed solution utilizes the WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning)
protocol, which is an extension of the HTTP, for manipulating the contents of a
document management system via the Web. The DAV Server is the core engine of the
DMS. This server manages the document locking, storage of metadata and search of
documents based on the metadata.
WebDAV has seven additional methods over the HTTP protocol:
MOVE (to move a resource from one URL to another)
COPY (to copy a resource from one URL to another)
MKCOL (to create a new collection of resources -- like a directory or folder)
PROPPATCH (to add properties to a resource or collection)
PROPFIND (to get properties from a resource or collection)
LOCK (to lock a file so that no one else can change it while you're working on it)
UNLOCK (to unlock the file)
PROPPATCH (to add properties to a resource or collection)
For user authentication, the system will interact with Microsoft Active Directory services
through an API. Active Directory provides the ability to authenticate and authorize the
users from a centralized location, so that users do not need to login to different
applications. The application data will be stored in a central server, which holds all
document related data like the version info, full text indexes etc. The documents are
stored centrally in the Document Library, so that any user, having proper access rights
can manipulate these documents. The Financial and HR systems communicate with the
DAV Server with the help of web services.

Document Storage and Retrieval
This module will handle the storage, versioning, linking and retrieval of documents.
Storage and Retrieval
Users can add documents to different document groups based on the permissions
through a user friendly web-based interface. The document formats that can be
added are:
· Word
· Scans as OCR files
· Fax
· Email
-While adding, user will have to specify the document type and the metadata fields
like document author, relevant department etc. Documents can also be added via an
email to a specific address. These documents can be checked out and modified by
authorized users. Users can also print, fax or email these documents from the
- Versioning
History of all modifications done for a document will be logged for future reference.
Users can also compare two versions of a document and view the differences and
can retrieve the older version of the document if required.
- Linking
Administrator will have the facility to define Document link types such as “associated
with”, “duplicated by” etc. therefore while adding, the user can specify the link type
if any for the document.

Security and User Management
The system will be integrated with Microsoft Active Directory to support Single Sign
User Management
This module facilitates adding users to the system and assigning them to different
groups. This group and role based security model allows for document access and
action control management. Permissions are used to control access to content in the
repository, and will be set up by group and by role and by document group. Sub
groups by default will inherit the permissions of the parent. This can be overridden
by the user. The permissions in the system will be –
Read: can view the document and its metadata, but the user is not allowed to
change the document.

Write: can change the contents of a document, as well as its metadata.

Add Document group: can create and edit sub-groups if the user has the
required permissions to do so in the parent group.

Manage Permissions: can edit permissions for the document group where the
user has this permission.

Delete: can delete documents and sub-groups in a parent group where the
user has this permission.

Indexing and Search
The system will provide two types of searching:
Full text indexing technology allowing search within document contents. While
adding a document to the system, a separate thread will run to perform a full
text indexing of the document. The search results will be stored in the text
storage unit. Therefore when the user searches for a document using the
keywords, results will be taken from the pre-searched results.
Metadata search, is based on the metadata information added for the document
by the user.

Documents can be archived by the creator or the administrator. These archived
documents will be stored separately and only administrator has access and unarchieve
permission. Users will be able to request the administrator to unarchieve a specific

Work Flow
This module manages the workflow of the documents and the various states and
transitions these documents undergo with in the organization. There will be facility to
define the rules for the workflow while adding a document to the system. This module
will have the following sub modules –

Define Document types: There will be facility to define document types like
Manufacturing Orders, Receipts etc.

Define State and Transitions: Facility to add state (Draft, Final, etc) and
Transitions (Under Review, Forwarded for approval, etc) will be available.

Define workflow: Facility will be provided to set the start and destination
state for each transition in the workflow and the permissions for each role.
Notifications can be set for each transition for each role.

There will be facility for the user to mark a document or folder for attention. There will
be two types of notifications-

Subscription alerts: informs the user when a document or a folder that the
user has marked is checked out, or deleted, or if it is modified by any other
Workflow alerts: informs the user when a workflow that user is involved with
has reached a certain state. Notifications can also be triggered when user is
assigned a Role for the next step in the workflow.

This module allows the administrator to track the user activity in the system. Full login
history of all users will be available to the administrator. Date wise search will be
provided to get a custom report for the user activity.

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